Photo: (L- R) James Lyver (Waingākau Project Manager), Ben Lawrence (Assistant Project Manager, Downers), Nick Hanrahan (Construction Operations Manager, Downers), George Reedy (CEO, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga) Darrin Davy (Regional Manager, Downers)
Works are set to commence at Flaxmere Wests Waingākau Village which will unlock 76 more lots on the site with Civil Contractors, Downer New Zealand Limited being appointed to build the roading infrastructure in May.
George Reedy, CEO of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga says “This is a significant milestone in the journey towards building homes for our community,”
“Thanks to the PGF infrastructure funding, we were able to take another look at our plans to see if and where we could make changes to bring more homes to the village.” Among other changes, a cul-de-sac will be created allowing more homes onto the site.
“We were impressed with Downers’ work on the adjacent Council development on Tarbet Street,” says Mr Reedy, about the appointment, “their commitment to work development for Māori and Pasifika school leavers, leadership for Māori and strengthening leadership capacity among wāhine also gave weight to their submission.”
Downers Regional Manager, Darrin Davies says “We look forward to a strong and collaborative relationship to ensure that together we engage and deliver to the community of Flaxmere, by offering employment opportunities within our team and to develop key individuals to start their journey on being leaders through the Downer Te Ara Whanake Māori Leadership Programme.”
Mike Paku, Chair of Taiwhenua o Heretaunga says “this continues to develop our aspirations of our whānau accessing warm, safe,dry and affordable homes.”
Works are expected to be completed by March 2022 as the Waingākau project continues to build a mixed tenure development of 82 conventional houses and co-housing villages using modern designs and quality materials.
Waingākau is thankful for funding support for this project from the Government’s COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, managed by the Provincial Development Unit. The success in securing the funding for the project is the result of collaboration with Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, MBIE and Hastings District Council.
For any roading inquiries, please contact Downer NZ Ltd Site Manager on 06 835 5789