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Practice Plus Virtual Consult 

Practice Plus has been developed between Tū Ora Compass, Pinnacle Health Network, Think Hauora and Te Awakairangi Primary Health Organisations to increase access options for primary care. It involves a same day, after hours service in partnership with our GP network to secure a continuity of care between a virtual GP service and a patient’s regular GP team.

There is no need for patients to download an app or change their enrolled GP, to access this service. Practice Plus can be accessed through a practice’s website or via the 'practice plus' button below.
During times when you are unable to see a GP, we encourage you to use Practice Plus.


My Indici

We offer an online tool, My Indici, to help our patients:

• Make appointments

• Order repeat prescriptions

• See test results

• Check when your next procedure is due

• Email your nurse of doctor

• Update your personal information

If you would like to pre-enrol onto our myIndici click the button below.



Hauora Heretaunga 

Hauora Heretaunga is open to enrolments for whānau who live in Hastings that are not enrolled with a GP Practice.  Click here to complete a pre-enrolment form and we will get in touch with you soon.

Hauora Heretaunga offers high-quality, low-cost medical and dental care for whānau, with an on-site pharmacy for your convenience.

Eligible enrolled whānau can see a GP FREE from the age of 14 - 24 years old. 

To visit our Nurse Practitioners will cost you $19.50 per consult - 24 and under are free. 

At Hauora Heretaunga, we’re always looking for ways to make it easier for whānau to get the care and support you need - when you need it.

All you need to do is phone Hauora and ask for a call-back by your GP. Your GP will ask you some questions.

They might be able to give you all the help you need over the phone, and save you a trip to Hauora.

Or  they will arrange for you to come and see them –or someone else in your medical care team.

This change is to help us ensure that whānau get to see the right person at the right time.


Please note: High demand means enrolments at Hauora Heretaunga are subject to availability.

If you require emergency care, please phone 111


Weekday Hours

Hauora Heretaunga is open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm.

An on-call doctor is available from 6pm to 8pm.

Please phone us, 06 871 5352 or 0800 TAIWHENUA, to make an appointment.



Due to Totara Health closing on weekends, whānau that need to speak to a Doctor, please book a virtual appointment with Practice Plus. You can do this by going to their website at  call 0800 7722 7587.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 111.


 Āwhinatia - Your Care

We offer whānau a wide range of health care, including:

• Respiratory clinic

• Sexual health

• Quit-smoking support

• Mental Wellbeing

• Counselling

• Travel vaccines

• Heart-health assessments

• Cervical checks

• Contraception

• Diabetes care

Ngā Rongoā - Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

It is important to let us know when you are close to finishing your regular medication. You can re-order by

  • Using MyIndici
  • Calling us

Your doctor will review your medication order and send the script to your requested pharmacy. There is a cost for the doctors time to do this. There are extra charges if your medicine is required within two days of ordering.

Please note

It takes 24 hours for us to arrange a repeat prescription, and a charge of $10 will apply.

Ngā Kitenga - Test Results 

When you have a test done, such as a blood test or x-ray, the results will be sent to your doctor. We will send you a letter or text, or phone you about the results.

If urgent follow-up is needed, we will contact you immediately.

If you require a chaperone or language support service, please let our Reception staff know.

Manaakitanga - Planned Care

We encourage you to book your appointment early to avoid disappointment and to allow us time to plan. We ask that you keep your appointments or promptly let us know if you are unable to attend an appointment.

We aim to work with you to achieve your health goals. We will support you to monitor your health and encourage you to be actively involved in keeping up with tests and check ups to ensure that you stay well. 


Tiaki Tāngata - Unplanned Care

We can't always plan for sickness. If you become unwell phone. text or email us during business hours and a doctor or nurse will call you. 

We may ask:

  • Your name 
  • Phone number
  • Reason for call. We understand this may be personal in nature. We want to ensure that we put you in touch with the right person to give you the care that you need.
  • All our staff undergo privacy training and will treat your records confidentially. 


Ngā Tākuta | Doctors 

• Dr Arianna Sundick

• Dr Jessica Keepa

• Dr Isabelle Lusk

• Dr Lorna Ellwood

• Dr Audrey Robin

Ngā Mātanga Tapuhi | Nurse Practitioners 

• Helen Gosman

Nēhi |

• Roger Parr (Nurse Prescriber)

• Davina Te Ngahue (Nurse Prescriber)


Tūtohu Haumanu | Clinical Pharmacist

• Martin Munyaradzi BPharm, PGDipClinPharm

Whānau Manaaki | Health Care Assistant

• Mere Wepa  

• Naadean Wainohu


Ratonga Haumanu | Health Improvement Practitioner 

 Rebecca Mackenzie


Akomanga Hauora | Health Coach


Kaiwhakarite | Administrator

 Anastasis Tuiala

•  Deanna Naera

•  Mereana Tipu

•  Nichola Rees

•  Claire Smith

My Indici

We offer an online tool, My Indici, to help our patients:

• Make appointments

• Order repeat prescriptions

• See test results

• Check when your next procedure is due

• Email your nurse of doctor

• Update your personal information

Please ask our Reception staff to help you with access to your My Indici login.


06 871 5350Or contact us here.


Phone 06 8715352
Fax 06 8715353
   Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga 

 821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

 PO Box 718, Hastings 4122,

 Aotearoa New Zealand   

P: 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 871 5350
F: 06 871 5351

Hauora Heretaunga 

  821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

  P: 06 871 5352

 Tamatea Health & Social

  22-26 Ruataniwha Street


  P: 0800 153 240 or 06 858 9559

  F: 06 858 9225


  Te Ara Waiora

  Shop 16, Flaxmere Village

  15 Northumberland Street

  P: 0800 4 TE ARA WAIORA 





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