Whanake Te Kura
Class Dates 2025
Our classes are FULLY FUNDED and are run by qualified educators. All classes are free and kai is provided along with home goodies. We also have coffee groups where you can connect with others and access additional services.
NAPIER NAPIER FAMILY CENTRE, ONEKAWA Monday Nights 6:15pm - 8:30pm |
HASTINGS MIDWEEK 2 DAY FLAXMERE VILLAGE 10am - 2pm (over 2 days) |
MARCH 18 - APRIL 22 | MARCH 10 - APRIL 14 | MARCH 5 - 6 |
MAY 6 - JUNE 10 |
APRIL 28 - JUNE 9 |
APRIL 30 - MAY 1 |
JUNE 24 - JULY 29 | JUNE 23 - JULY 28 | JUNE 11 - 12 |
Having a Baby?
Whanake Te Kura is here for you.
Whanake Te Kura is a fantastic kaupapa open to all hapū māmā and their partners, or support people who live in Napier, Hastings and Central Hawke's Bay.
We offer: Two-day wānanga/workshops, 6 week evening courses, CHB weekend wānanga and remote at home learning. These courses enable you to learn about yourself as a hapū woman, how to navigate your healthcare providers, understand changes to your body, reflect on lifestyle and wellbeing, caring for yourself, preparing for labour and birth, early parenting, relationships, and changes in the home.
Plus, you’ll make friends for life. We also offer free once a month coffee groups to get support with feeding, parenting, baby care and just general support with a safe place to have a cuppa, some kai and relax on the last Monday of every month, just drop in anytime between 10am-2pm, no appointments needed.
Together we will cover information such as:
- Whakawhanaungatanga
- Pregnancy care and warning signs
- Pregnancy and childhood Immunisations
- Kaupapa Maori/Mana Wāhine Clay work / Ipu whenua
- Midwifery care
- Your rights in the healthcare system
- Labour birth self-help pain management.
- Places to birth your pēpi
- Medical interventions
- Healing post birth
- Baby’s life in and out of your womb
- Safe sleep – Pēpi pod / Wahakura
- Support in labour, postnatal, life after baby
- Breastfeeding /tautoko/reality
- Changes for māmā, dad, whānau and relationship
- Early Parenting
- Bathing, dressing and caring for your pēpi
Some feedback from our new parents
“Good introduction to a range of topics. Well spaced out, not too much info per night. Catering and meeting others. I appreciate the opportunity to receive this knowledge"
“Awesome facilitators, easy and relaxed space to learn and ask questions. Lots of information over the 2 days but well split up between videos, discussions and activities. Snacks/food much appreciated as well as the take-home goodies”
“Heaps of knowledge which I didn't even hear about and supportive team”
“Learning new parenting skills to help me and my whanau for the future, gaining more information for free other than paying for the services. Overall amazing programme.”
“Fantastic teachers’ knowledge, easy to ask questions, teacher would find the answers to my questions.”
To enrol for Whanake Te Kura,
Phone or Text : Lena 021958194 or Jess 0212252350