On Friday 2 July Taiwhenua o Heretaunga hosted the Matariki Living Taonga Awards. Around 600 whānau and friends filled the Hawke’s Bay Opera House on the Māori New Year to celebrate our community’s living treasures.
The inspiring night, designed to acknowledge the hard work, integrity and talent of quiet achievers and role models from Heretaunga, was entertaining and a great display of Kahungunutanga with singing, laughter, beautiful kōrero and haka. MC (Kiino) Crystal Edwards brought her magic to the stage and kept the smiles on the faces of the nannies in the front rows. Mike Paku, chairman of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, said he was pleased with the night. “It’s all about whānau and acknowledging their achievements while they’re with us.”
The Mākirikiri Supreme Award, nominated by Te Taiwhenua Board, Te Haaro o Te Kaahu went to Hinewehi Mohi who sung a heart rendering song to daughter Hine Raukatauri and dedicating her tohu to her queen, Nanny Joan Mohi.
The event, which is held every three years, is a highlight for our whānau during Matariki where we can celebrate those stars among us who quietly work hard to support our community. This event also gave recipients the opportunity to acknowledge those around them, who hold them up and enable them to serve their community.
Topline business owner and 2021 award recipient Taurus Taurima gave an inspiring speech about his journey in starting his business from scratch and never forgetting those who have helped him along the way. “Starting up Topline has been a journey that I have used to help our people become better and move away from a system that I believe fails our people,” said Taurus.
Check out our gallery of photos from the evening.
Congratulations to all our award winners:
Mākirikiri Supreme Award – Hinewehi Mohi
Rangatahi Leadership — Reverand Zhane Rawiri Tahau Whelan
Rangatahi Academic Success — Bonice Ropiha
Employee of the Year — George Edwards
Employer of the Year — Taurus Taurima
Selfless Service — Kararaina Kire
Te Taiao, Environment — Marei Apatu
Te Toi Whakairo, Creativity — George Tamihana Nuku
Rangatira Te Reo — Haami Hilton
Kaumātua Health and Wellbeing — Ihaia Hutana
Te Tōka Tu Moana Whānau, Courage & Strength — Jones Whānau