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He Purapura Whetū

He Purapura Whetū Survey Report 2024

Kia puta ai He Purapura Whetū (How the name came about) 

He Purapura whetū relates to the tukutuku design representing the many stars in Te Mangōroa (Milky Way) which is reflected by the great number of Māori living in Heretaunga. The traditional meaning behind this pattern is that to survive as an iwi, hapū, whānau, you must have numbers, just as the stars of Te Mangōroa, to ensure that you are not wiped out.  He Purapura Whetū draws on this kōrero, taking a survey to whānau Māori living in Heretaunga to take part in defining health and wellbeing to Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga so that current services can be fine tuned or new services provided that reflect the needs and priorities of whānau Māori living in Heretaunga. 

Ngā whetū o Heretaunga, Koi Matariki ki te Rangi          
Ngā Pou o Heretaunga, Koi Matariki ki te whenua

The stars of Heretaunga, there is Matariki in the heavens
Ngā Pou o Heretaunga, are placed in the Matariki on the lands

The image that we use displays the placement of Ngā Pou o Heretaunga in our town centre, unveiled in 2013 that align with the Matariki constellation.

Kaupapa (purpose)

Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga have been funded by Te Aka Whai Ora to carry out a survey to understand how whānau Māori within Heretaunga rohe define health and wellbeing.

Te Ara o Tawhaki (goal)

To set the appropriate cultural framework to listen and respond to our whānau. Ensure health and wellbeing services, supports, workforce, and care reflects priorities of our whānau who have the greatest need for better outcomes. Better outcomes can only be achieved when the undiluted and true voice of our whānau is genuinely at the centre of service design practices, delivery and performance. 

Whakatakanga (mission)

The purpose of He purapura whetū is to understand how whānau residing within Heretaunga define health and wellbeing.
By adopting a whānau centred approach, engaging with whānau to obtain their views and perspectives will allow TToH to work in partnership with whānau to co-design the development and improvement of health and wellbeing services that are delivered. He Oranga Motuhake will set the foundation to begin a journey of engagement with whānau that enriches whānau voice, provides a greater understanding of need, consequences experienced by whānau and work towards enhancing whānau outcomes.

Hukatai  (Engagement)

The survey has been designed with the questions using Pae Ora (Health and Disabilities framework) and is for tangata Māori living in Heretaunga.
The three cohorts that we are asking to participate are rangatahi, pakeke and kauheke.
Take part in defining health and wellbeing for Māori in Heretaunga
Your participation will help Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga to provide services that reflects the needs and priorities of Māori in Heretaunga

Kaupapahere Tūmataiti  (Privacy)

We will only collect generalised (anonymous) information that you provide about your health and wellbeing and which Heretaunga marae you whakapapa to. The small project team below will have access to the anonymous survey responses and will use this for the purpose of co-designing health and wellbeing services that respond to whānau needs and aspirations.
Each selected Marae, at their request, will receive a summarised report of He Purapura Whetū information, in order to gain insight and improve the health and wellbeing of whānau.

Should you choose to go into the prize competition.  We ask you to provide your name and contact information which will strictly be used only for the purpose of selecting a winner for the draw.

Takarangi - (Findings and results)



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Fax 06 8715353



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