Te Haaro Board Members 2025
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is governed by Te Haaro board which is made up of representatives from each of the 14 Marae in the Heretaunga Taiwhenua within Kahungunu Iwi.
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga was established in 1985, inspired by the vision of founding members and key kaumātua, aiming to ensure the prosperity of future Ngati Kahungunu ki Heretaunga generations through fostering connections with their whenua, marae, hapū, whānau and wairua within Heretaunga.
The forward thinking tipuna were Canon Wi Te Tau Huata, Ringahora Ybel Huata, Te Okanga Huata, Numia August, Eru Smith and Ruruhira Robin who provided a pathway to realising whānau potential in Heretaunga by providing support that is grounded in Te Ao Māori principles.
Our vision Te Hāro o te Kaahu ki tuawhakarere encapsulates the visionary nature of our tipuna who laid out the foundations of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga and looked beyond the political and social climate of the time to make decisions to guide whānau towards mana motuhake.
In 2001 Te Haaro Board saw a new structure which established Mātāwaka representation (Te Aranga Marae) as well as the inclusion of representatives from each of the marae (11 at the time).
Moving to this structure gave voice to our people across Heretaunga, with a trustee selected by each Marae to make decisions that aligned with Marae/Hapū aspirations.
Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga is proud of the unique structure of our governance as it ensures that our direction is set-out by our people for our people.
The role of Te Haaro is to set the strategic direction of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga and allocate funds to achieve these goals in a financially responsible way while holding true to our mission - Mauri ora ki te mana Māori
If you are interested in becoming a candidate for Te Haaro board, you will require two people to nominate you using the Te Haaro Nomination form below.
As a Te Haaro Board Member you will be responsible for:
· Strategic decision making
· Communicating with your Marae
· Attending Board Meetings
· Setting the strategic direction for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
· Determine and review strategic objectives
· Determine company policies
You will also need to meet the following criteria:
- · Be registered with Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc. ki Heretaunga.
- · Furthermore, you must be registered to the Heretaunga Marae that you wish to be nominated to represent.
- · Have an awareness of the responsibilities and obligations of a trustee
- · Have an awareness of the statutory and legal requirements of a trustee
- · Be of sound mind to perform trustee duties
- · Not be employed by Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga
- · You are not an undischarged bankrupt
The The following nominees are duly elected to Te Haaro Board for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga for the period 2025-2027:
Marae | Trustee |
Mangaroa | Thompson-Hokianga |
Ōmahu | Moana-Lee Mackey |
Mihiroa | Donna Keefe |
Te Aranga | Shelley Pritchard |
Te Awhina | Diane Huriwai |
Rūnanga | Charmaine Pene |
Kahurānaki | Leah Hapuku-Annan |
Houngarea | Heeni Carlson |
Taraia | Kane Koko |
Matahiwi | Ripeka Kireka |
Waimārama | Horiana Williams |
Korongatā | Christine Tamati |
Waipatu | Nicola Kihirini |
Ruahāpia | Crystal Edwards |