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Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga Board of Trustees


Mike Paku
Board Chairperson

Mike has a lifelong connection to his marae, Ruahāpia. Apart from serving on numerous marae committees he has also been the grounds-keeper for the past 30 years. This is what helps him remain humble, with his feet on the ground.

Mike has had extensive governance and director experience. He has been a board member of TToH since 2003, serving the past eight years as Chairperson. He has also been on the board of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc since 2010.

Mike believes that good governance principles and a good dose of common sense go a long way together. This has led to his involvement with numerous boards and committees representing the interests of Iwi and Hapū. He feels privileged and honoured to have been given these opportunities.

His current register of interest and commitments are :

  • Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga - Chairperson
  • C2C2B7 Land Trust - Chairperson
  • HBRC Māori Standing Committee – Deputy Chairperson
  • NKII Board - Alternate Heretaunga Representative
  • HB Museum Trust - Member
  • HB Health Trust - Member
  • Ruahāpia Marae - Committee Member
  • Te Whare Wānanga Tapere o te Waka Takitimu - Trustee
  • IoD- Member
  • IoD East Coast Sub-branch – Member
  • Waingākau Housing Development Ltd – Director


  1. Ngāti Kahungunu Asset Holding Company – Deputy Chairperson

  2. Te Matau a Maui Voyaging Trust – Chairperson


Kane Koko
Deputy Chair

Kane continues to find it a privilege to be able to contribute to the grassroots of Paki Paki and the wider Heretaunga community. He volunteers his time on boards, committees, groups and anywhere else he can support community, hapū and whānau wellbeing, particularly through his roles at Taraia Marae, Houngarea Marae and among many more.


Through Kane, the Paki Paki community supported Taraia Marae to elect its first inaugural representative on Te Haaro in 2021. An important aspiration that has been held by many of the Pakipaki kaumatua for over two decades.


Other governance interests and commitments are:

  • Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – Deputy Chairperson
  • Taraia Marae – Chairperson & Trustee
  • Houngarea Marae – Treasurer
  • Houngarea Marae Hapū Trust – Treasurer & Trustee
  • Heretaunga Tamatea Settlement Trust – Trustee
  • Heretaunga Tamatea Pou Tahua Ltd – Director
  • Waingakau Housing Development Ltd – Director
  • Institute of Directors – Member
  • Paeroa 2G4B2 & 2G4C – Trustee
  • Pakipaki Whare Karakia Charitable Trust - Trustee


Annette Harris

Elected by Waipatu

Annette hails from Waipatu and has been a Committee Member for decades. She is a Life Member of the Tamatea Rugby & Sports Club, having played netball, rugby, tennis, softball, and basketball under that banner.

She is a founding member of the Waipatu Kohanga Reo. Her career in Mental Health and Addiction spanned 28 years and is trained in various healing modalities.

 She is currently a Director of Ki Te Wheiao and Amokura Enterprises, providing rehabilitation programmes in the HB Regional Prison.

In the process of ending 4 years of study at TWOA and will graduate with a Bachelor in Toi Maori and in the 2nd year of a 3-year Wairua programme with Wiremu Niania.

Papakainga life is great, especially being surrounded by her many mokopuna.

Current interests are painting, manaaki nga mokopuna and healing/meditation.


Donna Keefe

Elected by Mihiroa 

Donna is a kaitiaki for Mihiroa and Taraia Marae. She is also a member of the TToH Audit and Risk Committee, and feels “lucky and privileged” to be part of TToH.

She sits on Awhina Whānau Services Board as a Trustee, and served on the Flaxmere College Board of Trustees for four years from 2004 to 2008.

Donna loves to see whānau succeed in whatever they do. Her other mahi is:

  • Pouaka for Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi, delivering Tourism Maori LV3 and 4

  • Kaitiaki o Waimārama Maori Tourism

  • Pou Tikanga o Hastings Girls’ High School

  • Kaiāwhina for Hawke’s Bay Regional Hospital/Child Health Team at Flaxmere


Thompson Hokianga

Elected by Mangaroa


Moana-Lee Mackey

Elected by Omāhu

Moana is a teacher at Omāhu School, and has held governance roles on the school board of trustees.
Before training as a teacher at Massey University, she was employed by the early Māori Affairs Department, Te Tira Ahu Iwi, and Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga.

She is humbled to have been elected by her Omāhu whānau and hapū to participate in the development of Kahungunu.


Moira McGarva-Ratapu

Elected by Waimārama

Moira was born and raised in Hastings, some years spent living in Camberley, Waimārama and Hastings.  Her bloodline streams from her Rangatira Harawira and Tiakitai, through her Akuhata and Gillies whanau whakapapa in Waimārama.  She is also of Cook Island descent on her father's side.  She was called back to serve her people in Waimārama and now resides on her Whenua. 

She is a trustee on the Waimārama Māori Committee and is a part of the Audit and Risk Committee for Te Haaro Board.  She is married to Anaru Ratapu and they have 4 children, two of which were born deaf.  God is a big strength and inspiration in her life. 

She has been blessed to work alongside our community in the capacity of a Social Worker and in employment.  She is dedicated to increasing the quality of life for our Kahungunu people over the past 13 years.  She has worked at TToH as a registered Social Worker from 2009 to 2019.  She started as a Social work student.  She belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and has served as a teacher and a leader for many years. 

She has Bachelor's in Applied Social Science, Postgraduate papers in Clinical Supervision, and a National Certificate in Frontline Management, Level in Te Reo, a learner in NZSL.  Community involvement - Primary, First Councillor LDS Church, Trustee of Waipuka 2C1 and 2C2, Pursuit CEO, Member of the Deaf Community.  Current interests - NZSL, Fitness and Bodybuilding, Netflix and chilling, eating, spending time with friends and whanau.


Crystal Edwards

Elected by Ruahāpia

Occupation: Māori Entrepreneur

Any other experience you have in a governance roles:

I was the Ruahāpia Marae Trustee Representative 2016 - 2018 I succeeded the seat from our pā morehu Papa Jim (Hēmi) Pānapa.  I had learnt so much at the time but felt overwhelmed by the role and decided to learn a little more about business and now that I have done so, I have returned with more confidence and awareness of what my role is a marae trustee for the Te Haaro Board.


Special skills you bring to the board:

I am passionate and culturally aware, I also am a business owner myself of Kiino Kommz Ltd a Māori Professional Entertainment entity and will be launching in 2022 my new business based around Māori Recreation.  I have a background in local HB Māori media and am a wahine of the community.  My iwi also recognise me as the Kahungunu Emcee and I am proud to hold these potae for my iwi and my community.


Your aspirations for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga:

To protect the mana and mauri that was set by our founders and tīpuna who established Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga and to uphold the vision Te Haaro o te Kaahu ki tuawhakarere.


We are living in a time of fear and uncertainty, due to the release of an unknown virus.  I bring a stable perspective and unwavering belief to hold fast to what you know is right and believe the future is bright if we all remain together as one!  Kōkiriritia, ki te toa takitini!

Heeni Carlson

Elected by Houngarea


Leah Hapuku-Annan

Elected by Kahurānaki

Leah’s aspiration is to support her people in the way her tipuna supported her. She brings experience in:

  • Procedural operations training

  • Health and Safety as a Health and Safety Advisor and trainer

  • Committee Member

  • Kurawaka Retreat Centre with Te Raina Ferris

She is also involved with:

  • Te Uranga Waka

  • Te Pae Oranga

  • Kahurānaki Marae Committee

  • Health and Safety Audit Committee


Ripeka Kireka

Elected by Matahiwi

Occupation: Kaitakawaenga - Whānau Tupu Ngātahi


Any other experience you have in a governance roles:

  • Matahiwi marae trustee
  • Gazetted tangata kaitiaki
  • Secretary Komiti Haahi  Ratana Matahiwi Pariha
  • Founder Piri Pono innovative & interactive learning programs for tamariki.
  • Ngati Kahungunu Waka Kaihoe treasurer


Special skills you bring to the board: 

Te kauwae runga me te kauwae raro maori world view. Inherited knowledge.


Your aspirations for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga:

Tautoko CEO & staff to carry the organisation to its full potential. Maori Mana Motuhake. 


Monica Kendrick

Elected by Rūnanga



Amo Puha

Elected by Te Āwhina

Amo is a caregiver.  She is enthusiastic and keen to learn more about governance.  Her aspiration is to help whānau as much as possible.


Kararaina Kire

Elected by Te Aranga

Kararaina Kire is a social work supervisor with Roopu A Iwi Trust. She has had wide experience in governorship roles including:

  • Te Reo irirangi o Ngati Kahungunu
  • Trustee at Te Aranga marae
  • Māori Womens Welfare League
  • Māori Womens Refuge
  • P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A
  • Te Kōhanga Reo o Nga Pa Harakeke
  • EIT council
  • Aotearoa Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Indigenous practitioner

Kararaina brings with her the skills of fluency in Te Reo Māori and Tikanga. She has many networks within Heretaunga and Ahuriri community agencies, organisations and among a variety of ethnicities.


Paula Savae

Elected by Taraia

Paula a marae girl born and bred, has strong community support from whanau/hapu in her service on Taraia Marae and to her Village of Paki Paki.


Through her karanga and waiata she welcomes you.

"Anei matou Te Pakipakitanga o Hinetemoa e karanga atu ki a koutou e e e

Nau mai, Piki mai, Haere mai ra e e e"


Interests and Commitments:

Taraia Marae (Trustee)

Houngarea Marae Hapu Trust (Trustee)

Te Kura o Paki Paki Board of Trustees (Trustee)


Christine Tamati

Elected by Korongatā

Occupation: STUDENT


Any other experience you have in a governance roles:



Special skills you bring to the board: 

Waha kōrero I te Ao Karanga, Manaakitanga, Leadership skills along with effective communication, problem solving and more 


Your aspirations for Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga:

Ko tōku wawata mō te oranga o Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, kia piki ake i ngā wā katoa te kounga o ngā ratonga.






06 871 5350Or contact us here.


Phone 06 8715352
Fax 06 8715353
 Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga 

821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

PO Box 718, Hastings 4122,

Aotearoa New Zealand   

P: 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 871 5350
F: 06 871 5351

Hauora Heretaunga 

  821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

  P: 06 871 5352


 Waipukurau Centre

 Cnr Ruataniwha and Herbert Streets


  P: 0800 153 240 or 06 858 9559

  F: 06 858 9225






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