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Frequently Asked Questions & Questionnaire 

  1. How much funding has been approved?

$6,020,910.00 has been approved in Principle (payable to Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga on receipt of invoices)


  1. What was the eligibility for marae?

Be on land gazetted for the purpose of a marae

Be submitted by trustees of the Māori reservation or another legal entity (that has been approved by the trustees of the Māori Reservation to apply for PGF funding on their behalf)

*exclusions included Kura or Wānanga Marae, or any other institutionally supported marae such as universities, polytechnics etc; and Marae new build projects


  1. Who is leading the project?

Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga are the legal entity (umbrella) for this application led by George Reedy, they are partnered with Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orotu led by GM Tania Eden.  Both Taiwhenua are supported with advice and support from Te Puni Kōkiri and Hastings District Council.


  1. How were marae included in this project?

Marae were contacted by Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga and Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui-a-Orotu and invited to participate, marae was then required to complete a signed consent form to confirm their participation/inclusion into the cluster application. 

 NB: Marae also had the opportunity to apply to PGF on their own behalf as an individual marae and not part of the cluster group.


  1. I’m a marae trustee or committee member and we didn’t have a hui about this prior to consenting?

This may be correct for some marae.  This is because there was significant pressure to apply in a short time period.  Both Taiwhenua were required to work very quickly with the support of Te Puni Kōkiri and Hastings District Council with one week to complete a ‘cluster’ application. Once expressions of interest (EOIs) were called, it was understood that this fund was a national fund, which meant that funds were to be dispersed on a  first in first served basis, meaning if you didn’t apply you would miss out. So in the best interests of working quickly, in some cases waiting for a monthly marae hui might have meant that marae would miss out therefore marae representatives were asked to arrange the signing of the consent form and to return them as soon as possible given that there was only a one week window between June 5th and 12th; the latter being the application due date.


  1. Does each marae receive the money?

No. The funds are allocated to the umbrella entity of the project Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, all payments are made by them to the contractors who invoice their services, with strict criteria and limitations.


  1. Did every marae get the same funding?

No. While marae share similar needs with regards to landscaping, painting, fencing, roofing and ‘shovel ready’ work (work / services not requiring building / resource consents), every participating marae’s needs vary in extent and depth of renovations. Accordingly, each marae was allocated funding based on their respective scopes of work within the cluster application and the quotes.

  1. What type of work is included in the project?

Any work that did not require a building / resource consent may have been included in the project scope, most of the work includes:

  • Interior and exterior painting
  • Driveways and pathways
  • Fencing and Landscaping
  • carpentry works (non-consented works)
  • flooring


  1. How long will it take to complete all the marae work?

The work commences end of mid October 2020 and the contract finishes September 2021


  1. How come we could not rebuild our Wharekai, that is what our marae needs?

The PGF Marae Renovation criteria clearly states that this fund was for marae repairs and renovations and was not for any works that required permits (building / resource consents) from Council.


  1. Who made the decision on what got approved?

The Provincial Development Unit of MBIE made all decisions on what was approved when they assessed the application.


  1. Can our whare karakia and urupā be included in this project?

Kāo.  This fund was specific to marae and did not include churches, urupā or buildings not on the marae reservation. Again, the criteria was clear and we could not digress from this.


  1. How do I know if my marae is included in the project?

Talk to your marae chairman, or the full list can be found on  


Only the marae that consented during the application stage and with quotes received are part of this project, Te Tū Marae o Te Matau-a-Māui, no new marae can join this cluster.


  1. Will marae be closed for hire during the project?

When a project manager is appointed, he/she will be working with each marae to identify the timeline for works to be completed, mindful of current confirmed marae bookings as well as pressures to deliver all works within a one year period.


  1. How would a Māori trade business be part of this kaupapa?

Social procurement is a commitment of both Taiwhenua, as well as Te Puni Kōkiri and Hastings District Council who are supporting the project. The aim is to employ at least 75% Māori in this project.


  1. What are the limitations on what work can be done?

The scope of each marae project was applied for, quoted, and approved.  This is the work that must be completed within one year and within the given budget.


  1. What tikanga practises will there be?

Each marae in communication with the Project Manager will identify the appropriate tikanga for work at their marae.


  1. Who works out which marae gets completed in what order?

The Project Manager’s role includes managing the participating marae across the duration of the whole project.


  1. We have unemployed whānau, can they help?

Yes, there may be jobs that the whānau can help with but no guarantees if they are looking for paid employment opportunities. Inquiries can be made through the Ministry of Social Development and/or the Project Manager. 


  1. Will we have to be at the marae to provide kai for the workers?



  1. Who decided what works would be carried out for each marae?

An independent builder met with a marae representative for each marae to gain access to each marae.  From here, the builder identified all works within the funding criteria that could be carried out and provided a quote to be submitted with the cluster application.  Noting that not all work that was quoted was approved.


  1. Will there be more money available for this project?

No. This funding was approved from the Provincial Growth Fund and no further funding will be available post this one-off investment.


  1. Will the marae be closed during the project?

It is possible, this will be worked through with the Project Manager and marae contact person / marae committee.


  1. Where can I get more information?

For marae that are part of Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga please visit website


For marae that are part of Te Whanganui-a-Orotu please contact Tania Eden;


 Other useful links include:


We invite you to complete the form below with any further questions you may have and to send any progress photos to

Pātai Mai Form





06 871 5350Or contact us here.


Phone 06 8715352
Fax 06 8715353
   Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga 

 821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

 PO Box 718, Hastings 4122,

 Aotearoa New Zealand   

P: 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 871 5350
F: 06 871 5351

Hauora Heretaunga 

  821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

  P: 06 871 5352

 Tamatea Health & Social

  22-26 Ruataniwha Street


  P: 0800 153 240 or 06 858 9559

  F: 06 858 9225


  Te Ara Waiora

  Shop 16, Flaxmere Village

  15 Northumberland Street

  P: 0800 4 TE ARA WAIORA 



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