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Pinepine te kura karawhiti mai ra ki

Te Tirahou!

Tiny Precious child, welcome to Te Tirahou     


“Children benefit from experiences that promote their sense of identity.

They are nurtured in an environment that is welcoming.”

ERO report, 2017

Our Story

Te Tirahou was purpose-built in 2005 by Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, to offer a high-quality bilingual pre-school experience for tamariki from all walks of life.

The name Te Tirahou means “the new spirit” and is taken from the moteatea Pinepine (Tiny Little Treasure), which welcomes a newborn child into the world.

The kaupapa of Te Tirahou is to nurture tamariki holistically through body, mind, spirit and whānau.

Te Tirahou is based on the TToH campus, and the tamariki are part of daily life at TToH.    

Whānau are welcomed into the Te Tirahou whānau and encouraged to be involved with their child’s education journey.

 Whanau Information

Our opening hours are 8 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday.

We have a van pick-up and drop-off service available for all tamariki.

We offer free meals and snacks.

We have 20 hours free ECE and other subsidies available.

We have an exciting bilingual programme based on play, discovery and learning.

Free enrolment to our GP service is available for all tamariki attending Te Tirahou Childcare centre.


Bilingual Learning

Every tamariki is a taonga. The kaupapa of Te Tirahou is to nurture them holistically through a programme built around body, mind, spirit and whānau.

We do this through an exciting, bilingual programme based on play, discovery, learning and adventure. 

We have proven success in preparing tamariki for school. We give them knowledge and life skills. We help them build strong relationships and self-esteem.

Te Tirahou follows the Early Childhood Education CE sector’s official curriculum,

  • Te Whāriki, which is based on Whakamana (Empowerment),
  • Kotahitanga (Holistic development),
  • Whānau Tangata (Family and community) 
  • Ngā Hononga (Relationships).

Tamariki are able to choose activities that match their own interests and talents.

Our staff are fully-trained and qualified, warm and friendly, ready to get your tamariki off to a flying start in life.

Te Tirahou Childcare Centre

Call 06 873 7542 or 0800 TAIWHENUA

06 871 5350Or contact us here.


Phone 06 8715352
Fax 06 8715353
 Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga 

821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

PO Box 718, Hastings 4122,

Aotearoa New Zealand   

P: 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 871 5350
F: 06 871 5351

Hauora Heretaunga 

  821 Orchard Road, Hastings 

  P: 06 871 5352


Ruataniwha Health

22-26 Ruataniwha Street


  P: 0800 153 240 or 06 858 9559

  F: 06 858 9225


Te Ara Waiora

Shop 16, Flaxmere Village

15 Northumberland Street

  P: 0800 4 TE ARA WAIORA 





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