Tamariki - Children
If you would like to know more about any of these programmes, phone 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 871 5350.
My baby needs a GP
High quality, low cost healthcare for the whole whānau at our award-winning Medical Centre, Hauora Heretaunga. We offer Free GP visits for all enrolled whānau under-25. Then it’s only $16 a visit.
To find out more about how our medical teams can support you, go to Free GP.
Please note, enrolments at Hauora are subject to availability.
Be an Awesome Parent
Get the skills to raise strong, beautiful tamariki. All you have to do is ask us how. Here are some of the ways that we can assist you in being an awesome parent.
Having a Baby? Congratulations! Whanake Te Kura is a fantastic kaupapa for all pregnant women - and their partners.
FREE health checks for baby and practical advice for Mum - at your place or ours. Enrol with Well Child Tamariki Ora
Need help to set things up and get your tamariki off to a flying start? Family Start can help.
Poipoia Te Mokopuna can prepare your baby for pre-school. Talk to the Family Start team.
Incredible Years is a proven success in giving parents the confidence and skills to do a great job of raising their tamariki. Talk to the On Track team.
- Are you a new māmā and need help with breastfeeding? Te Mana Waiū offers specialised breastfeeding support for new māmā with tamariki up to six months old.
Mana Ake
Mana Ake views tamariki in the wider context of their whānau and community - including the school community.
Our Mana Ake teams support tamariki, their whānau and their school community to respond to the wellbeing needs of tamariki, and improve access to and coordination of other support services to provide wrap around support to tamariki and whānau so they are stronger for tomorrow.
Mana Ake offers school-based support to promote wellbeing and deliver mental health support for our primary and intermediate aged tamariki (Year 1-8). Mana Ake is about giving our tamariki access to skills and strategies to enhance their resilience, wairua and mana so they may thrive wherever they live, learn and play.
Mana Ake provides holistic support to tamariki, whānau and school/kura through:
§ Providing support for schools to make improvements to the school environment using whole school and whole of classroom wellbeing programmes and wellbeing promotion
§ Providing direct support to tamariki experiencing social, emotional or behavioural challenges
§ Clarification and documentation of local support and referral pathways, making it easier for schools, teachers and whānau to access support when and where they need it
§ Support to teachers including best-practice strategies for promoting mental wellbeing and responding to wellbeing needs, information on local referral pathways for additional support and professional development opportunities
§ Service sector improvements by providing greater collaboration across health, education and social sector partners in the provision of support – improving access, integration and coordination of care
If you would like to know request support please click here to download the support form, complete and email to: mana.ake@ttoh.iwi.nz
I’d like to talk to someone confidentially
We have many ways to help you, ranging from a friendly chat to counselling or therapies, clinical consultations or community care and support. Phone 0800 TAIWHENUA or 06 871 5350